Veil it is a one stop shop for great quality hijabs. With its wide range of scarves, underscarves, scrunchies and other accessories, the online shop provides ladies with everything they need to pep up their look. Modest fashion took a boom not too long ago and has helped many women express themselves fashionably with respect to their Islamic Identity. Aemani Zimren, founder of Veil it, was one of the first to introduce the scarves business in Calicut, now she ships her beautiful products all across the country. Let’s know more about this young entrepreneur and her journey in business.
Tell us a little about yourself
My Name is Aemani Zimren, 23 years old and Founder of Veil It. I am also working in Organza, The Wedding Company, an event management firm. I finished my Graduation in Bachelor of Visual Arts in the year 2018. Although an artist by academics, my interests leans towards fashion and management. I Started Veil it at the age of 20, with no basic idea about how to do business. Right now I’m Proud to say that I’m a proud mama of my brain child and cannot wait to take it to the next level.

Give a brief info about your business venture, Veil it
Veil it focuses on women who are young, empowered and strong, who chooses to cover themselves on their own. We want women to know that it doesn’t matter what’s on your head, its whats inside it and you can be fashionable and modest at the same time. The tagline says modesty, elegance and fashion, which is a combination of 3 contradicting yet very magnetic words. That is what I’m trying to incorporate together in Veil it. We right now sell different varieties of scarves and along with the essentials like underscarves and scrunchies. We also have accessories to go with the scarves.
When did you realize your passion for fashion and why did you choose the niche of hijabs and scarves?
Before the bloom of Veil It, I was doing blogs on fashion and it was a stream I always loved and I always had a statement style of my own and my idea was to educate people more about style and confidence. So while doing the blogs, I travelled to Malaysia for a friends wedding and while walking through the streets I saw woman wearing these beautiful shades of plain scarves, which isn’t available in India. Being a hijabi, the access to pretty scarves were less in India back then, and when I came across these beautiful hijabs, I jumped right in and got myself 12 beautiful shades of scarves. When I started posting pictures with these scarves on, there were so many girls who wanted to know where I got these from. That is where the idea of Veil it came into my mind. I was sure that I wanted this to be known as a brand and not just random business and that was the core of Veil It. My family has been supporting me on this, right from improvisations to packaging to marketing and I can’t thank them enough for it.

What are your thoughts on the growing industry of Modest Fashion? How important do you think it is?
India being inhabited by a large number of young Muslims, I very much feel the need for more modest fashion clothing to be available for us. It would be amazing to see it grow and take over the interest of the girls who would like to explore more on fashion. It is really important that there is inclusion in the fashion industry.
You offer a wide range of options in hijabs, from what do you draw inspiration?
My main thought while bringing a new product is whether I would wear this product. If I am comfortable in the product, I sell it. So my sense of creativity is used in this space. With what dress it could go and how it can be styled is put into thought. I don’t just sell anything for the sake of selling. I make sure that its of the best quality and that the customers are satisfied with their purchase, so we do a quality check before bringing any product to the crowd.

How do you plan on staying on top of your league with the increasing competition in the field?
The main idea is to be always present online, posting stories or pictures back to back at different times of the day, so that you are always appearing in people’s view. The next is improvisations. Everyone needs to see something new so you have to keep thinking and improvising. The rest is branding itself. Customer range increases with the word of mouth, so our name should be pronounced constantly among the crowd.
If not a Businesswoman, what would you have been?
I would’ve been a homemaker. I’m a very homely person, I like gardening, cleaning, cooking, and all the things a homemaker would do. Business was coincidence in my life. But this is the most passionate thing i do now.

What keeps you motivated to do what you’re doing?
What one has to know while doing business is to be prepared for the highs and lows of it. It can get risky and wavy but persistence is the key to success and a whole lot of optimism in what you do.
What are Veil it’s future plans?
We have plans, but it won’t be revealed until it materializes.
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