Explayin Media Works is the recipient of prestigious Pepper Awards, 2019.
Explayin creates awesome brand stories with fascinating explainer videos. With an amazing range of clientele like UBER, V Guard, Explayin is finding its niche in creating brand stories through videos. Nebu Nelson, Founder and CEO, Explayin Media Works narrates the story of how he quit the corporate life, found like minded partners to kick start his journey to help other entrepreneurs and startups.

Give a brief info about your startup?
Explayin Media Works is an advertising and branding agency specialized in creating memorable ideas for building businesses into strong brands. Our clients are Uber, UNICEF, McAfee, UberEats, V-Guard.

What made you start your startup and what problem does it solve?
There are lot of agency who does conventional advertising strategies and blow lot of money, which doesn’t guarantee ROI. The digital industry is growing significantly and there was a need to for an agency which can come up with innovative ideas to grab attention and retain customers.
I always dreamt to build a system, a team which can solve branding and advertising issue through innovation and creative ideas. When you are a part of a corporate sometimes you have to compromise on you core values. You may have to chase someone’s dream that doesn’t matter to you or the society. So i found a likeminded partner who has a contrasting expertise to run an advertising business.
Past years we have successfully executed Hyper-Local Media campaigns for brands like Uber, UberEats and Chalo.
An explainer video for UBER
Tell us about yourself, your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before this startup?
Well, I am a visual communication graduate, started my career at a multinational company, Toonz Media Group as an Animator. There I worked for Walt Disney, BBC, Turner, Marvel, Nickelodeon. I was excited to see, how big brand approaches and executes projects. As I gained experience, I had opportunities to interact with international producers and directors which gave me a lot of confidence to experiment with new creative ideas.
Where is your startup based out of? Why do you think that is the best place for you?
We are based in Cochin. In today’s age location does not matter as you can communicate with anyone, any time in single voice command. Cochin is my home town and I am most comfortable here, as well as my team. This is the place we can live the fullest.
An explainer video for Chalo App
As a startup founder, what are you paranoid about? What keeps you awake at night?
Only one thing- Bring better results for my client, whatever it takes. When we pitch a campaign idea, we actually make a commitment- to show results. Our whole energy goes in to this, what will work – strategy, creative, copy, content, channel etc. And getting things done on time. Thank fully I have the dream team whom I can totally rely on.

Who are your competitions and how are you better than them?
Our USP is we have a rare mix of brand strategy team and video production team. For a client they don’t have to approach or spend on another production house to produce the content.
How hard is it to have a work-life balance as a startup founder and how do you manage it?
When you have an understanding family and friends it is easy. When I am not too busy I spend extra days with dear ones. But unfortunately we cannot plan or schedule it, most of such moments are surprises and we enjoy it.
Have you raised funding? If yes, then we would like to know the details. If no then please tell us if you’re looking to raise?
Not yet, and we are not planning one as of now.
What’s the biggest misconception people have about you? Why do they have that? What’s the reality?
Well I am a born introvert and my social interaction is weak. Often some people find this as a trace of disrespect.
What gets you excited about this company?
Prominent clients and perfect team. I am really excited about how Explayin is professionally and culturally evolving and upgrading itself, still maintaining its core values.
Tell us how a day in your life looks like? Your schedule for a day right from the time you get up till you hit the bed at night.
An office day starts with a brief chat with my co-founder Abhilash, who handles operations and branding business. An hour goes in to mails, admin and team’s job sheet review, charting calendar etc. Then I catch up with Anil K S, Creative Director, Anas Muhammad, CG Director and Jibin Joy, Account Manager to understand the pressure points or challenges for the day ahead. Then there are client meetings, marketing calls and mails taking up few hours of the day. The day ends with checking on the marketing team and progress meeting on pitches and on-going campaigns. Expect the unexpected every day as no two days are the same. Before I go to bed I take time out to prepare a schedule for the next day.
Tell us about your team and how did you meet each other?
Myself and my cofounder Abhilash, started our career together at Toonz, slowly I discovered we have common goals. Our core team is a bunch of old colleagues.
Explayin is made up of friends, friends of friends giving it a family feel more than a team and everyone has a voice. I enjoy watching my colleagues take charge and get stuffs done, I take the back seat and hit the stage whenever they need a help.
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