Kerala Startup Mission during the lockdown

The Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) is a nodal agency of the Kerala Government that promotes entrepreneurship and incubation activities in the state. Through funding, webinars, mentoring, incubation and more KSUM has been a guiding force for the startups in Kerala. Under the leadership of Dr. Saji Gopinath KSUM has played a major role in giving an identity to Kerala as a startup haven.

The recent pandemic has brought life and work to a complete halt and it has affected the startup industry like any other. The agency is doing its share in fighting the global pandemic by promoting startups to come up with ideas that will be beneficial in overcoming the crisis. KSUM has hence come forth with a couple of solutions in various scenarios.

KSUM’s Robots and Ventilator Initiative

Kerala Startup Missions’s robots are distributing masks, napkins and sanitizers to help keep the coronavirus in check, the robot screens also detail the WHO campaign with regards to the spread of the disease. The robots, developed by Asimov Robotics, help to deal with the scare of the virus, the robots are stationed at public places and people could approach them for queries. The robots clean doors alongside educating the people.

KSUM has also joined hands with the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Genrobotics and Coconics to build ventilators. As the number of Covid-19 cases could spike, the need for ventilators might rise and KSUM is trying its hand at making low-cost ventilators.

KSUM holds webinars for Startups

Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has also organized webinars which will help bridge the gap between startups and industry heads, as they have been unable to meet and network during the lockdown. The agency in association with industry bodies planned the webinar on a range of topics which will help startups face challenges arising from the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The webinars will have high profile Industry leaders, including those from Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Paytm.

A learning app for the students

Linways Technologies, a firm associated with the Kerala Start-up Mission (KSUM), has come up with an app that helps students to continue their studies that has come to a stop as a consequence of the pandemic. It will be provided for free for the next couple of months which will be extended based on the situation. The app will facilitate access to video lectures and also provide an update on those who have viewed them. The app also features quiz, quick tests and a facility to clarify doubts.

‘Break Corona’ initiative by KSUM

KSUM has also launched ‘Break Corona’ initiatives which will crowd-source ideas that could be useful in the fight against corona. The platform looks for ideas and solutions which have been implemented successfully elsewhere in a particular scenario. These are products which should already have a Proof of Concept and potentially be useful in the fight against Covid-19. The nodal agency is also looking at ideas which will create job opportunities during the lockdown and DIY ( Do it Yourself) products like masks, sanitizers and gloves.   

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