Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn
Benjamin Franklin
The statement throws light on the importance of learning by doing. No one can learn entrepreneurship in classrooms; one needs to be involved in it to learn and master it
With this vision Kerala Startup Mission has taken the IEDC initiative of Govt of India to 226 Engineering Colleges across the state to promote entreprensurship and innovation.
IEDC is set up to foster entrepreneurial culture and innovative thinking among students and faculty and set up at institutions with requisite infrastructure and expertise. Kerala startup mission is actively involved in mentoring and guiding these students thereby converting job seekers to job givers.
IEDC- Nurtured by KSUM
IEDC s are set up in top Engineering, Management, Arts and Scince and Polytechnic College. Each IEDC is autonomously run by students with a help of an EC which is elected to undertake day to day activities. The EC consists of Nodal Officer, CEO, CMO, CFO, CTO, CCO, CSO, COO. These centres act as a platform for students to collaborate, learn and transform their ideas into MVPs. Further KSUM extends support in the form of traning, mentorship, funds, technology, infrastructure so as to create successful entrepreneurs from Kerala.
Kerala Insider would like to contribute their part by featuring these IEDCs, their activities and events conducted by them.
Here we have listed all IEDCs of Kerala district wise.
IEDC s in Alappuzha
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IEDC s in Ernakulam
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