‘Getting fit’ or ‘hitting the gym’ is a phrase that would have appeared at least once in everyone’s list of New Year resolutions. The beginning of the year is considered a profitable time for gym owners with new memberships being registered. People having accumulated a little holiday weight during the vacation will be looking out to lose the extra fat. Fitness centers have an ample number of seasonal visitors; they lose faith some months into the New Year and the bloom in the business wanes out. However, there are also committed gym goers that don’t miss out on workout days no matter what. Some are dedicated to weight loss while some work-out in order to combat age-related cardiac illnesses.
Today the fitness industry of the state and country points in the direction of good health, well-being, good looks and confidence. There are now multiple forms of working out and different forms are adapted according to the individual’s lifestyle. The industry has given rise to fitness apps, fitness YouTube channels, athleisure programmes etc. The fitness business is blooming thanks to its exciting and interesting variations like Pilates, cross fitness, aerial yoga and kickboxing to name a few.

Personal trainers and personal fitness regimes also attract a good number of people into the fitness life. It is now not just the elite class that opt for the luxury of personal training. Most gyms provide these services and customers appreciate the personal attention.
There are gyms and fitness centres in every nook and corner of the city, each with varying levels of equipments and facilities. Therefore, there is high competition in the fitness industry. Gym packages range from around Rs5000 to around Rs20000. Most gyms charge a much discounted price for their annual packages to encourage customers to visit the gym throughout the year. Gyms also offer facilities such as personal trainers and group classes; this encourages newbies and first timers to visit the gym frequently and consistently.
Zumba classes and Aerobics are also included in the menu of most fitness institutions to make the process of getting fit fun. Fitness businesses rocket for the first few months thanks to the tradition of New Year resolutions, it is up to the gym owners and trainers to come up with such offers and interesting aspects to fitness to make sure that customers do not back out one month into working out.

Talwalkers Gym
Talwalkers is a gym franchise since 1932. They have their branches all over India including Kozhikode, Kochi, Palakkad and Thiruvanthapuram in Kerala. They offer their customers Guest Passes to visit the gym for the day. This allows the customers to try out the services before getting the membership.

Gold’s Gym
This gym has its branches in three cities in Kerala; Kozhikode, Kochi and Thrissur. Gold’s gym began its Indian feat in Mumbai in 2002. It has received many awards including the Lions Club award for “Best Fitness Chain”. Gold’s Gym India has won the prestigious Economic Times award for ‘Excelence in Marketing 2013’ and ‘Excellence in Customer Service 2014’.

Vivafit is a women-only fitness chain that has become increasingly popular along with the culture of gyms and fitness centres that cater solely to women. It is a Portuguese brand with franchises in many cities across the globe. They are known for their expert workouts of 30 mins as well as the nutrition consultancy they offer. Vivafit has its branch in Kochi.