On Flea.k gave the people of Cochin its first taste of an organised flea market. With the perfect blend of shopping, music, art and food, On Flea.k has set a benchmark for other such events. Bhavya Babu Mathew, Founder and Designated Partner of On Flea.k shares what inspired her to start this venture and her journey so far.
Tell us about yourself, your previous jobs/ventures? What were you doing before choosing this field?
I’m Bhavya Babu Mathew, Founder and Designated Partner of On Flea.k
I’m a Chartered Accountant and was working with EY Kochi for two years before I moved to this field.

How did you land up doing what you do now?
I’d already had enough of my desk job, when we planned a girls trip to Delhi. While on the trip, we visited Dilli Haat and I totally fell in love with it. I was totally inspired by the many cultures, shops and eateries and truly enjoyed my time there.
Once I got back, a couple of friends and I got together to do something similar or at least on those lines, in Kochi. Soon the plan developed into the first edition of On Flea.k at Cochin Gymkhana Club.
What keeps you motivated?
The response since our first edition has been amazing. Two years later we have finished four editions and have now grown to 100+ vendors, 12k footfall, superb performers and great associations. All the good reviews and the wonderful people we meet along the way definitely keeps us going!
How do you plan to stay ahead of your competitors?
We got plans in discussion to expand to other cities and some other secret plans 😛
If not the current profession, what would you have been?
I’d be working as an accountant somewhere.
Was your family supportive of what you are doing? What impact have they had on your life?
I could not have asked for a better family. Not just my parents, my husband and my sister, even my extended family made sure they helped some way or the other in every edition and I could not be more grateful.
My dad is our mentor.
What does a typical day at work consist of for you?
It definitely doesn’t feel like we’re working in an office at the moment. Our work days are filled with fun brainstorming, impossible ideas, creative solutions, crisis management and what not. We also get to meet many amazing people along the way including high profile businessmen, major brands, award winning celebrities.
Any regrets till now? If yes, will you like to share it with our readers?
No regrets AT ALL ????
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This is truly useful, thanks.