International Yoga day is celebrated on the 21st of June every year since its inception in 2014. With social distancing being practiced all across the world, International Yoga day 2020 will be conducted virtually. People will not be heading out with their yoga mats but will be striking yoga poses at home this year with close family and friends. In accordance to the current situation, the theme of the International day of Yoga 2020 is “Yoga at Home and Yoga with Family”. This year Yoga day will be celebrated online on the 19th of June from 3 to 4:30 EST on UN WebTV.
What is Yoga? What does Yoga mean?
‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word which means to join or unite, this symbolizes the union of body and consciousness. It is performed in various forms all around the globe today and is practiced by people of all ages. It originated in ancient India; it is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophical traditions. Yoga is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines.

Lakshmi Sreenath, certified Yoga trainer and founder of Herbal Sutras LLP, describes Yoga in 3 words as Jeevatma, Paramatma and Aham (the mind, body and soul is equal to the Supreme). Lakshmi started practicing Yoga when she was young and she continues her practice as well as teaches Yoga to others.
What are the benefits of Yoga?
There are so many benefits to practicing Yoga, both to the body and soul. It is known to be a way to relieve stress and it also helps with body pains and aches. Yoga helps build a sharper mind, teaches the body balance and flexibility and also helps weight loss. There are numerous benefits to Yoga , from helping you sleep better to helping you grow stronger.

Practicing Yoga also helps maintain a positive mindset; Lakshmi says “Our thoughts and state of our body is directly proportional. When you think erratically, you breathe heavily or grasp for breath. When you are physically ill too, you are upset. Pranayama helps your breath come to normal, thereby bringing your thoughts to become positive. Asanas help you distress and make you free from illness, thereby making you think positively.”
Rehana Edison, founder of Ishvara Dhrishti, talks about how Yoga has helped her keep a positive mindset “Throughout my life, practicing yoga taught me to relax, how to find a way out of worries and stress. Yoga showed me the joys of being fit and strong. Yoga taught me to self-reflect and to accept life as it comes…finally, yoga and my clarity work showed me that there was nothing to ‘find’ and that everything I was looking for is ‘right here, right now.’ And all I could ever do was to let go of the bondage that stopped me from experiencing the truth. I will always be very grateful to the path of yoga, the Clarity process and the miracle that life is.”
Lakshmi Sreenath – founder of Herbal Sutras LLP Rehana Edison – founder of Ishvara Dhrishti
How has the Pandemic affected Yoga trainers?
The Pandemic has brought about a digital shift in all areas of life. It has had the same effect on Yoga classes as well. Yoga is taught through online platforms and it is attracting a great response from yoga aspirants everywhere. Everybody is looking for ways to induce a ray of positivity into their lives during these difficult times. The 6th Annual International Yoga Day will also be celebrated online.
International Day of Yoga gives yogis as well people who would like to learn yoga the opportunity to come together and celebrate, though virtually this year, the beauty and benefits of Yoga.